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High yield and purity | ÄKTA technology | ion exchange and affinity | purification and isolation | impurity removal and polishing | ChromX modeling | upstream integration 

Chromatography is the cornerstone of our downstream process development approach where we strive to isolate and purify your product in a manner that delivers high yields and purity. 

We build design spaces around ion exchange and affinity chromatography platforms and we use our ÄKTA™ technology infrastructure to screen resins and run powerful DOEs that gather the most information, using the least material, in the shortest space of time. Throughout downstream development, we constantly evaluate the best approach to capture, concentrate and stabilize products before removing impurities and polishing the final product.

We also leverage chromatography modeling packages, like ChromX, to obtain process understanding earlier in development, and to minimize the number of experiments we run in the lab. This approach, combined with our downstream expertise and smart experimental strategies, ensure that downstream development can keep up with upstream breakthroughs.

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Meet one-on-one with our experts to discuss your development and manufacturing challenges and our approach to accelerating your medicines through CMC hurdles.