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[WEBINAR] Addressing the unique challenges of MVA-based viral vector product development & manufacture

Scalability, quality control, preventing contamination, viral recovery – there are many issues to be faced when developing processes for products which incorporate large-enveloped viral vectors like MVA, vaccinia, and others. Addressing these issues, whilst still maintaining economic viability of your process can present a significant challenge.

The judicious selection of process technologies and platforms combined with the use of novel analytical approaches can go a long way towards ensuring that your process is scalable and operationally friendly whilst at the same time delivering material with the requisite quality.

This presentation discusses the use of novel techniques and leverage case studies to review:

  • How to select the most suitable technology for MVA purification  

  • The use of platforms capable of accelerating process development whilst still meeting process CQA targets  

  • How to ensure that your process is scalable and operationally friendly  

  • Novel analytical approaches for MVA characterisation  

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