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Crystallization Process Design

Final steps and intermediates | molecular simulations | thermodynamic modelling | data rich experimentation | particle size, shape, and form | higher purities and yields | scale-up 

Good crystallization process design, for intermediates or final APIs, can save you months of time during development. We have built a crystallization process R&D platform combining molecular simulations, thermodynamic modeling and data-rich experimentation that can transform challenging precipitations in flawless crystallization in a matter of weeks.

Our crystallization processes produce higher purities and better yields – and they deliver particle properties, such as size, shape, and polymorphic form, that make filtration and drying easier while helping formulators unlock new options for patient delivery. We standardize on key crystallization tools, like EasyMax, OptiMax, FBRM, PVM, ReactIR and Raman and our people know how to use these powerful technologies in the right way to make development decisions based on sound scientific evidence.

Our crystallization processes make crystallization scale facile because we use every single experiment to build a scientific underpinning and we simulate manufacturing environments, using advanced modelling 100s of times before we ever embark on tech transfer. 

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Meet one-on-one with our experts to discuss your development and manufacturing challenges and our approach to accelerating your medicines through CMC hurdles.