Avoid Chromatography Bottlenecks! (Event has ended)
Learn how to significantly reduce the number of unit operations, increase yields, reduce costs - while meeting CQA specifications.
This event has ended. Please find a recording of this presentation here: 'Avoiding Chromatography Bottlenecks: Breakthrough Next Generation Strategies'
As part of continuous process improvement, companies must embrace novel advancements to enhance the manufacture of biotherapeutics. This webinar focuses on the power of leveraging cutting-edge technologies to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of chromatography – a key downstream unit operation.
In this webinar, 'Avoiding Chromatography Bottlenecks: Breakthrough Next Generation Strategies', we will explore the development of a 2nd generation downstream process for a complex biotherapeutic. This 6-month project led to a remarkable 2.5-fold increase in overall yield and significant reductions in manufacturing costs and time -- all while meeting the CQA target specifications of the first-generation process.
Join us on September 14 for this live webinar as we discuss strategies to significantly reduce the number of unit operations, increase yields, reduce costs, and accelerate time-to-market while meeting CQA specifications.